
World Obesity Day

The global prevalence of obesity has tripled in the past 30 years. To tackle obesity, we need to take action and create a sustainable environment in which people can live longer, healthier lives. We see obesity – not only on World Obesity Day – as a chronic condition and want to contribute with our self-treatment products.

In today's society, overweight people are often accused of being comfortable and unathletic – and that a little more exercise or sport would already solve many problems. However, not all people can reduce their weight with exercise or a healthier diet and thus prevent serious health consequences.

Our genes also have an influence on our feeling of satiety, fat metabolism and fat distribution. In addition, metabolic diseases, the social environment and psychological and biological factors also play an important role. Obesity is therefore not always the result of a lack of willpower, but can be a predisposition or the result of a disease and therefore a medical problem. New medications now give those affected hope that they can reduce their weight permanently. These drugs are injected, have no serious side effects and can replace surgery.

Our contribution as a society

As a society, we are called upon to treat overweight people with respect and appreciation and thus help to ensure that drug therapies are only used for medical reasons and not because those affected want to avoid a stigma.

In the past financial year, we concluded over 30 new project contracts with existing and new pharmaceutical customers. These include indications such as obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and other metabolic diseases that can be treated easily and safely at home with the help of our injection devices.
