
An important day for Ypsomed

Did you know that one in ten people have diabetes? Did you know that one in seven births are affected by diabetes during pregnancy? Or did you know that one in two people with diabetes are undiagnosed?

Awareness raising for diabetes

Today, on World Diabetes Day, we are trying to draw attention to this widespread chronic disease. Diabetes has far-reaching consequences when left untreated. It is therefore of crucial importance that diabetes is detected and treated at an early stage.

Learn more about the clinical picture, prevention and treatment of diabetes on the website of the International Diabetes Federation.

On November 14 is also National Future Day in Switzerland. Today, 5th to 7th graders get an insight into professional life that might help them choosing their career path in the future. 

Equal opportunities for boys and girls

On National Future Day, boys and girls are supposed to gain hands-on experience of jobs in which their gender is generally underrepresented. The National Future Day shows adolescents that all possibilities are open to both genders.

Insight into everyday work life and transfer of diabetes knowledge

Today, we were able to welcome around 50 young people at our headquarters in Burgdorf and at our location in Solothurn. They accompanied their contact persons through their day at work and we presented our company to them. Due to our product portfolio and the fact that today is World Diabetes Day, we gave our young visitors an introduction into diabetes. They showed interest and about half of them already had some prior knowledge. 

Potential future employees

We naturally hope that we have been able to awaken the interest of the young people and that later on one or the other will apply to us. “The National Future Day is of great importance not only for the young people, but also for us. Ypsomed trains apprentices in ten different jobs and that is why we are constantly on the lookout for motivated school graduates,” explains Dominic Caldart, HR Learning Ypsomed. If the young people decide to study, they have the opportunity to start their professional life with an internship at Ypsomed.

Together, we will continue to make selfcare simpler and easier for people with diabetes.

Students in the Ypsomed auditorium
Students show great interest in the topic of diabetes.
Student with insulin cartridge
Our young guests have a close look at an insulin cartridge.
Students at a tour around Ypsomed
The students get to know Ypsomed better on a tour.
Young people in the Ypsomed tool shop
The young people visit our tool shop.
Carrying out an experiment at Ypsomed
Our Future Day visitors are fully committed to an experiment.
A Student at an Ypsomed workplace on Future Day
The students get an insight into a job.
